Tuesday 6 April 2010


I was going to publish every party's manifesto since the beginning of politics but why bore you with the stuff of nightmares. The fact is ever since the first one right through to the latest they have all promised something. Not only did they not deliver on the promise. They actually took away from you the things you had before they blagged you into electing them. So all in all politicians have never been honest in any shape or form, be they Labour, Conservative or Liberal.
After the scandal of the theft of your hard earned money by false claims of expenses, some amounting to property empires people have woken up to just what the deal is they are getting, or the lack of it. They are all out there today. Stringing us all along with false media setups of how popular they are. We know how popular they are,don't we?. But no matter how they spin it they robbed us. That's the bottom line. Nothing can change that and don't forget it. Now, at the end of 13 years of the last bunch of chiselers they are leaving with more than they came with. What do you have to show for it? Labour is more like the old Tories than the old Tories ever were. Their politicians and their clause 4 bears no relationship to the original Labour party. They are leaving with property and money, some have been elevated to Lords. And before it's all over more will be too.
Wake up to the new party the LibLabCon con.

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